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How to Set Up Simple (Phrase Matching) Tags
How to Set Up Simple (Phrase Matching) Tags
Cynthia Tsai avatar
Written by Cynthia Tsai
Updated over a week ago

Simple tags allow you to efficiently categorize conversations by automatically detecting keywords or phrases. These tags help you surface important topics quickly, improving workflow and making data analysis more efficient. The flexibility of Simple Tags makes them ideal for monitoring common issues, tracking customer sentiment, or identifying recurring questions.

For a general overview of tags and to understand how other tags work please see our Tags article!

Creating a new Simple Tag

  1. To start, click on your profile picture at the bottom left and select Settings.

  2. You should see a CI on the list of settings as an admin, click on that and then select the Tags tab.

  3. Click on the Add New Tag button at the top right.

  4. Under Tagging Method, select Phrase Matching.

  5. Fill out the rest of the required fields:

    • NAME - Provide a name for the tag. This will be the label used to identify the tag in filters and analytics.

    • PIPELINES - Add the pipelines this tag should be used for. At least one will need to selected.

    • SPEAKER - Choose one of the following speaker assignment options.

      1. Either - The LLM will look at the entire conversations for all speakers to see if the tag should be applied.

      2. Customer - The LLM will only look at what the customers says to apply the tag.

      3. Agent - The LLM will only look at what the customers says to apply the tag.


      1. High - This tag will be prioritized and listed before low priority tags. This will make it more likely to show in the conversations/dashboard display.

      2. Low - This tag will be shown after all high priority tags.

    • MATCH THRESHOLD - This threshold is only used for simple tags. It can be used to adjust how closely aligned a keyword/phrase in the conversation needs to align for it to be tagged as a match.

      1. Higher match threshold - This would be around 0.90 to capture very similar or nearly identical phrases. It will help with filtering out loosely related terms.

      2. Lower match threshold - This would be lower than 0.70 to allow for a broader range. It would allow more variation and may catch keywords in context that may not fit exactly but are conceptually similar.

      3. The default value set is 0.79. This is recommended to start with for most cases and can be adjusted later.

    • KEYWORDS/PHRASES TO MATCH - Enter the keywords or phrases here that this tag should track. Multiple keywords/phrases can be added for each tag, use commas to separate them.

  6. These fields/buttons should be skipped for creating a new tag:

    • LABEL - This is optional, this field is only used for if the tag should be displayed with a different label than the tag name.

    • MARK INVISIBLE - This is used for testing purposes, so the tag will not be shown as being applied to conversations.

    • ARCHIVE - This button is to archive the tag so that it will stop being applied to new conversations. Old conversations will stay the same where the tag will still show as applied.

  7. Click on Save to create the tag.

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